Monday, January 23, 2012

Memory Palace

Before entering into my memory palace you must know I made several critical errors during the early stages of construction. The first being an overwhelming sense of doubt I felt creeping into my mind before I even began to assign “routes through a town.” I selfishly fell into old habits and broke out my notecards and began to write the names of the muses on the front with the description on the back. Which leads me to confess my second and most grave mistake; instead of going from room to room in walking order I envision myself going from bedroom to kitchen back to bedroom to living room to bathroom ext.  Due to my first mistake, the introduction of notecards, I began to create my memory palace NOT by walking through my parents’ house (my muses’ memory palace) in rational order of Muses (C CUTE TEMP) but instead walking in the order in which they appeared via notecard (TETEMPUCC). Sadly, once this mistake had been made it seemed all but impossible to rearrange the order in my mind. I had created to memory an order that made sense at first, but now as I mentally walk through my parents’ house I find myself visiting EVERY room searching for stowed memories, rather than letting the muses’ dictate my memories path. But alas, I will do my best to reconstruct for you the madness that has become my parents’ home.

My palace begins in the bathroom where Thalia, having just showered, is wrapped in a hideous orange and purple towel. With her index finger she writes on the fogged mirror T hahahahhaha lia (Thalia- Muse of Comedy).

Hearing loud pitched squeaks followed by sounds of a broken piano, I make my way to the living room where our piano lives. As I enter I can see Euterpe (who looks like Louise, a girl who studied abroad with in Europe) dancing on top of the piano keys holding my flute attempting unsuccessfully to play two instruments at once (Euterpe-Muse of Song).

To escape the awful noise I run to my parents room and bury my head under the bed pillows. When the noise stops I look outside my parents window to see Terpsichore in an old ballroom dress dancing by the hickory tree. Her dress is so large and bulky that she continually trips over the fabric thus making her dance seem skittish and clumsy (Terpsichore- Muse of Dancing).

I can hear the clicking noise of the fire starter in the living room and seeing as the awful music had halted I make my way back to the living room. To the right of the room I can see Erato starting a fire in her usual scandalous outfit. Once the fire has warmed the room she sits down and begins to write a letter to her convicted lover behind bars. When I look over her shoulder to see what she has written I blush due to the erotic content her letter contains (Erato- Muse of Love Poetry).

I am startled by racket coming from the kitchen and turn to see Malpomene lavishly making a fruit salad while being watched by an audience of men. She dramatically slices melons and juices pomegranates all while the men clapped and laughed at her performance. Suddenly she becomes distracted by her audience and chops off her right pinky finger (Melpomene-Muse of Tragedy).

I then venture back into my parents room only to find Polyhymnia jumping on my parents bed wearing an awful blood orange polyester jacket complete with a cross-necklace bouncing on and off her chest. She is singing a church hymn causing her mouth to be open so wide I can see her “dangly thing” moving rapidly back and forth (Polyhymnia- Muse of Hymns).

Just then I remember the newest episode of Modern Family is posted online and I go into the green room (what my family calls the computer room) to find the Modern Family episode on commercial. This commercial somewhat resembles the Jimmy Dean Breakfast commercials but instead of a man wearing a sun costume there is a man wearing a Planet Uranus costume orbiting around the sad woman who has no energy because she has not had her astronomical breakfast yet ( Urania- Muse of Astronomy)

While Modern Family is still on commercial I decide to go get a snack from the kitchen. When I look to the wall besides the refrigerator I notice the painting of a sun has been replaced with Calliope wearing a shirt reading "EPIC" sitting on a toilet holding her hand out for more toilet paper (Calliope- Muse of Epic Poetry).

After getting a snack I glance in the dinning room to see my 8th Grade History teacher (Mrs. Jackson) sitting at our dinning room table teaching a non-exsistant room of students about Cleopatra. Instead of wearing a garnished Egyptian head piece Mrs. Jackson is wearing a cheese-head (Packers fan) and in her left hand she holds a lit cigarette (Clio- Muse of History). 

I think it is only fair to tell you I have gone back and edited my story/blog. In the begging I just listed the muses and their rooms. But after returning to my Memory Palace I realized if I could make my path through my parents house a logical story I would have more luck remembering each Muse and the room in which they exist.

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