Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Bedroom

 When you walk into my bedroom to the left there is an in-set closet that takes up the full left-hand wall. On the top shelf I hang most of my heels from the edge and keep some of my winter boots on the top. On the second shelve I keep my jeans to the far right. There are two stacks of jeans. Next to the jeans I keep my nice pants, shorts and skirts. These items also take up two stacks. On the far right there are usually a stack of yoga pants with a stack of sweats next to them (they are currently in the laundry basket seen at the foot of my bed). Next there are my clothes hanging from the second rack in order from summer to winter (dresses to sweaters). On the bottom of the closet are all my shoes I wear on a regular basis.

When you are standing in the door frame before entering the room you face a beige wall with a large window in the center.

To the direct right of the door frame there is a large dresser with five drawers. The first drawer has athletic shorts, the second has skirts, the third has undershirts, the fourth has two over-sized pair of overalls (that I wear to Bobcat Football games) and the fifth drawer has all my past Halloween costumes.  On top of the dresser is a TV that is not connected to cable (therefore is never used) with a remote sitting directly in front of it. The top of the dresser often acts as a storage place for odds and ends.
 On the same wall as the dresser there is a small built in closet where I keep all my athletic shirts. On the top shelve there are winter odds and ends and a teletubbies costume (don't ask). On the second shelve there are some of my running shoes. Below the hanging shirst are two, 3 drawer-ed containers where I keep socks and such.
 Still standing in the door frame, if you were to look to the left you would see my brick wall, lamp and bed.
That is it. My room is very simple and doesn't have a whole lot of detail. As far as using it as a memory palace--- I don't think it would be too useful. I have better palaces in mind that contain memorable or more abstract fixtures.

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